Second Nomination: Liebster Blog Awards

Well what do you know, I got another nomination woohoo!!! and it’s always a pleasure to receive one, it means I am doing something right, the same thing I wrote when I got my first nomination . Thank you Linda Rooney for the Liebster Blog Award nomination.

More awards for the newbies!!!


The official logo

The Rules 

The Liebster Award has German origins. The word “liebster” has several definitions: dearest, sweetest, kindest, nicest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant…It aims to discover new bloggers and welcome them to the blogosphere. Bloggers award other bloggers.”Here are the rules for accepting the Liebster award:* Post the award on your blog.
* Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog.
* Write 11 random facts about yourself.
* Nominate around 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers.
* Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions.

So for those who doesn’t know me here’s the 11 Random Facts About Me (this is on top the 7 in my first nomination)

  1. I have a handful of best friends and only 1 is male.
  2. I’m the 4th child and my sister is a Nun
  3. My first ❤ turned out to be gay (found out only recently) and I still love him but he doesn’t know ssshhhh …
  4. I’m a meat eater — BBQ, Steak, Kebabs etc. and only learned to eat veggies 10 years ago because I had no choice 🙂
  5. I’m a good cook but I don’t measure the ingredients
  6. I’m allergic to handling sea foods but not on eating them — particularly like shrimps, crabs and scallops.
  7. I can stay all night (or day) watching movies or TV series — I get engrossed that bad!
  8. I love cheese and wine  🙂 thanks to my French friends
  9. I’m afraid of hollow spaces — means I cannot cross high bridges on foot or walk on glass floor
  10. My favorite color is GREEN
  11.  I treat people for a living when I was younger

And to keep up with the tradition I therefore nominate YOU, yes — You 🙂 because I think you have what it takes to be in Liebster — wonderful writing, communicating through your soul otherwise you won’t be here typing and posting away. I wish you would all accept. 

  1. AJ Gerard
  2. Dani Dearest

  3. debooWORKS

  4. Diary of a Literary Goddess

  5. jandreart

  6. K. S. Fause

  7. Kids in the System

  8. Life… Love… Tears… Purpose…

  9. Mojowritin’

  10. Our Crazy Life

  11. PhoTrablogger

And my dear followers I wish you would visit their sites and check them out (and follow them) too…

Now I have to answer Linda Rooney’s 11 Question for ME, so here goes … 

1) Do you have something that you’re compulsive about, like cleaning the house, closet organized? None that I know of … which is a good thing right? I tend to leave a trail of mess especially when I am on a deadline but I am pretty neat — clean as you go kind of person! 

2) Who is your favorite movie actor/actress?  Meryl Streep and Cuba Gooding

3) Going out to eat, appetizer or dessert person? I’m a desert person and biased to anything with chocolates except maybe ice cream if I can avoid it 

4) Favorite course from attending school? Physics and Anatomy 

5) Dog or cat person, or both? Dog person — we have 4 big dogs (various breed) and I had 1 small Maltese until recently

6) First thing you’d do if you realized you won the lottery jackpot? Plan a world travel and donate to charity 

7) Dream house, near water, mountains, desert, city? Mountain — I commune with the trees and I like the view from the top of the mountain

8) Favorite book that you’d have no problem reading again? Under The Tuscan Sun (Frances Mayes); Patricia Cornwell Series; classic Tolkien and  Tolstoy (Anakarenina) 

9) Preferred way to travel, planes, trains, or automobile? Trains — I like to imagine I am in the Siberian Express or the Polar Express every time I’m in one 🙂

10) Do you have a favorite quote or saying, if so, what is it? Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it. – Malcom Wallace (Braveheart 1995)

11) Name a hobby or activity you do in your free time other than blogging. If yoga counts then that’s my thing 🙂 

And now if you accept my nomination you will have to follow the rules and answer my 11 Questions for YOU

  1. What was the most outrageous adventure you’ve done in your life in the last 3 years and why?
  2. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
  3. What is the most exotic food you’ve eaten in your life? Where?
  4. What book genre do you read and who is your favorite author?
  5. What was the last movie you watched that made you cry?
  6. Karaoke or Live band?
  7. Road less traveled or Tourist attractions?
  8. Sheltered life or Free Spirited?
  9. Bungee Jumping or Sky diving?
  10. What is the first thing you do when you wake up (except opening your eyes)?
  11. What is the best holiday for you and why?

My parting words …

Though it  takes a while to put this post together (at least for me) it’s always nice to go through the list of blogs I follow from time to time and realize why I follow them — I think there should also be an award for best blogs not because they are newbies but because they are generally nice (maybe there is I just don’t know it). But it’s also always good to expand your readership (for newbie like me), it’s good to get your thoughts out there that’s why I am all for this kind of awards — keep them coming like I say all the time 🙂

Have a nice life.


First Nomination – One Lovely Blog Award

It’s Sunday morning in my part of the globe. While the rest are still winding down and some are still in slumber I was up doing my morning routine including visiting my site and I see the “orange bubble” lighted.

It always makes me smile every time its lighted — bubble head or starts or cross makes no difference, it’s an affirmation that I am getting my thoughts out there and I wish more and more are going through my ramblings and I get more orange light up there 🙂


One bubble head is a nomination for One Lovely Blogger Award. I was nominated by Inspiring Max — thank you!  And being a newbie to this thing I accept and will share this to others I am reading and following.  I invite you to check out Inspiring Max, he really is inspiring 🙂

The rules

The One Lovely Blog Award nominations are chosen by fellow bloggers for those newer or up-and-coming bloggers. The goal is to help give recognition and to also help the new blogger reach more viewers. It also recognizes blogs that are considered to be “lovely” by the fellow-blogger who chose them. This award acknowledges bloggers who share their story or thoughts in a beautiful manner to connect with their viewers and followers. In order to “accept” the award the nominated blogger must follow several guidelines.
The rules for accepting this award are:
1) Thank and link back to the person who nominated you for the award.
2) List the Rules and Display the One Lovely Blog Award logo to your post and/or blog.
3) Share 7 facts/or things about yourself.
4) Nominate around 15 other bloggers and let them know about the award
5) Follow the blogger who nominated you (if not already!)

Seven Facts about ME

  1. I’m an Aquarius. What you read in Google pretty much summarizes me 🙂
  2. Watching movies is one of my favorite past time — suspense thriller and foreign language films – Life is Beautiful, Amelié and Rorouni Kenshin are some of my favorites
  3. I love chocolates — the darker the better but I don’t like white chocolates and those with nuts except M&M’s
  4. I love books — check out Fiction in a Non-fiction World 
  5. I’m a big fan of Gordon Ramsay — I follow his techniques and I never can go wrong 😉
  6. Even shampoo commercials makes me tear easily … friends are ashamed to sit next to me when watching movies 🙂 — they say I’m a softie (like the tissue)
  7. I work in the humanitarian and development sector

I nominate – –

  1.  Just Some Words 
  2. Cancer is Not Pink
  3. Voices from the Margins 
  4. Beautiful Life with Cancer
  5. Rose of Sharon Healing 
  6. Estelea’s Blog
  7. All Things New
  9. Berrydutchess
  11. Kimmy’s Travel Blog
  12. Small Things Honored
  13. The Soul’s Whisper
  14. that saucy tart
  15. Oxygen4theJourney

This post is interesting, I get to check again blogs I follow and realized that my selections random and most have been there long time before me.  But keeping to the rules I selected newbies (or not so) like me and even though I don’t know how this blog awards work remember all of you have lovely blogs.

Keep the nominations coming!
