The Good Lie

The first semester of the trimester is almost over, I only have to submit all my assignments by tomorrow and take the finals this weekend and I am off to do the cartwheels and start gearing for the holidays, but wait, look what I am doing …

I watched The Good Lie, a movie inspired by the story of the Lost Boys from Sudan. These are brothers and sisters (from different parents) who made their way from their village to the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya to escape the war in the South of Sudan. They walked days to get to the camp and took 13 years for them to get repatriated to America only to be separated because no family would take in their sister.

You have to watch the movie to understand the title and it’s all worth the break from studying and the tears I shed watching this movie.

More than the story I am happy to see Africa and it brought back memories of the time I went to see the wild side of the continent and the famous sunset with the African umbrella tree in the horizon.


It was worth the afternoon … now back to the books.