From My Heart

This is from my heart

With love to you on Christmas.


This for every hour

We have spent together;

For every kiss; Each embrace

And for every tear shed for one another..

This for every precious moment

We have created just by being together,

For all the times we manage

To work through our angers and tears.

This for all the simple 

Little things you have done for me

That in time had added

Up so great.

This to every time that you were there

When I needed you

For all the personal sacrifices

You made for me.

For all the times

You understood me

And all the support that

You have always given me.

This is for the beautiful memories 

Of the love we made and gave each other.

For the all the tenderness and love

That you have shown me.

Most of all

This is for you from me

To show you just how special

I really believed you are.

This is from the heart to thank you for

Everything you have done for me

For all the times I forget to tell you

Exactly how I feel about you.

This is to remind you

That I will always Love you.

Dianne E. Beeler